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Merge Kubernetes Configs in Windows Machine

Ensure that kubectl is installed in Windows machine (Kubectl in Windows

Next job is to fetch all configs from different clusters.

We can use scp to get that file in our workstation.

# Example
scp [email protected]:/home/hyperoot/k3s.yaml $HOME/.kube/k3s.yaml

Note: if you are using k3s, then the config will be placed at /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml. Make sure to move it to home directory and change ownership to current user instead of sudo chown hyperoot:hyperoot k3s.yaml

Once we have all the configs ready, we need to set KUBECONFIG to the PowerShell environment.

$env:KUBECONFIG = "$HOME/.kube/k3s.yaml;$HOME/.kube/another_config.yaml"

Now we can merge all these configs into one.

kubectl config view --merge --flatten > merged-config

A new file named merged-config will be created. Of course, we need to rename it to config as kubectl look for this by default. If you have an old config file, then take a backup before renaming the merged file.

Verify all the clusters using the following

kubectl config get-clusters

To switch clusters, refer to Change context in
